St. Simon the Apostle is a Catholic school located in South County. We are a welcoming, vibrant community where students learn with hands-on, cross curricular lessons.
Our faculty and staff at St. Simon are lifelong learners, utilizing professional development to stay current with educational and technological trends that improve their abilities in the classroom. The Technology instructor at St. Simon runs a fully modern lab featuring Chrome cast, i Pads, and a cart of Chromebooks, while our certified STEM program uses a dedicated classroom for our long term projects.
We practice faith as a community as St. Simon, and host many opportunities for people of all ages. Many of our students take advantage of our extracurricular activities like Simon Sisters, Boy Scouts, Chess Club, and CYC sports. Our day school embraces our PSR families, working in sync to prepare all religious activities, such as receiving the Sacraments, 2nd grade bread baking, 7th grade Confirmation, and Youth Ministry. Our Youth Ministry program, comprised of second semester 8th graders and high schoolers, actively practices their faith with weekly prayer group, the Luke 18 Retreat, and attendance at Steubenville.
The senior citizen members of our parish have the opportunity to serve as OASIS Tutors, and also enjoy working or attending our weekly bingo.
For families with younger children, Simon Says Early Childhood Center accepts babies from 6 weeks to Pre-K, offering year-round programs, before and aftercare, and summer camps for children up to age 12. Our Preschool Sunday School at 9 o’clock Mass educates children ages 2 ½ yearst - Kindergarten at Simon Says, where they learn about the Mass at their level.
The mission of St. Simon the Apostle School is to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to each member of our faith community through Scripture and the celebration of Sacraments in a nurturing, positive learning environment according to the example of Christ.
We teach that Religion is a way of life, not just a subject taught in school, by focusing on service to others. We accomplish this by participating in a backpack buddy program, toy and canned food drives. Students lead daily prayer and attend Mass twice a week. Students live their faith daily by finding the good in others and showcasing that throughout the school in a variety of ways.
St. Simon is K-8 STEM certified, and our classrooms are updated with the most recent technology. Additionally, our 6-8 graders are 1:1 with Chromebooks. Our students participate in speech, spelling and geography bees, scholar bowls, choir, adoration, and stucco. Many of our 8th graders take algebra and test out of it high school. Our faculty makes a consistent effort to promote confidence, self-esteem and differentiated lessons among every student.
Dynamic Community
Students are warmly greeted every morning by staff. We strive to involve our community by inviting them to celebrate Mass, an Advent concert and breakfast, and being Oasis Tutors. Our faculty develops personal relationships by getting to know the students as an individual as well as by attending games, plays, concerts, Sacraments and Mass here on the weekends. Student ambassadors welcome families at open house and help give tours.

11019 Mueller Road
St. Louis, MO 63123
United States