Greetings from Our Lady of Guadalupe School. We are located one half mile north of Interstate 70 at Exit 240 on Florissant Road on the southern edge of historic Ferguson. Our school serves children in prekindergarten through grade 8 of varied cultures, backgrounds, neighborhoods, and faiths. We are proud to proclaim the message of acceptance and hope to our students and their families. We are very proud of our diverse student body. We have high expectations for excellent behavior and academic success for each of our students. We have one class for each grade level. Our faculty is dedicated to and passionate about providing an excellent Catholic education for our children. We work in partnership with the parents and guardians to create a true family oriented atmosphere. In addition to the core subjects, we offer classes in Music, Physical Education, Computer, and Spanish. We have a Learning Consultant/Resource Teacher who offers academic support to all of our students. We have Title I services for those who qualify and several volunteer tutors who are available to assist our students as needed. We strive to provide meaningful extra curricular activities in the arts and athletics. We would love to welcome you to visit our school. Shadow opportunities are available at your convenience. Please call or visit to learn more about the beauty that is Our Lady of Guadalupe School.
Our Lady of Guadalupe School community offers a multi-cultural and multi-faith environment. We believe ourselves to be partners with parents parents and guardians in the education of the whole child. We are a community of faith, sharing in the mission of Our Lady of Guadalupe who came to proclaim acceptance and hope for all.
We are guided by the values of the Gospel in teaching our students to accept all of God's people and offer hope to one another. We consistently provide liturgical, prayer, and service opportunities for our students and their families. We begin and end each day in prayer. The message of acceptance, hope, and respect permeates all we do every day.
Our school is child centered. The needs of our students are reflected in the practices and policies of the school. We accept students of diverse levels of academic accomplishment. We present high expectations and foster learning to enable each student to reach his or her full potential.
Dynamic Community
The nurturing learning climate at Our Lady of Guadalupe extends beyond the classroom to include our students' families and the community. We enjoy effective and productive partnerships with local high schools, universities, and cultural institutions.

1115 South Florissant Road
St. Louis, MO 63121
United States