Welcome to St. Ann Catholic School!
St. Ann Parish and School have been living faith in Normandy since 1856. As a parish and school we have committed ourselves to the neighborhood and to our surrounding community. As a school community diverse in culture, economics, and beliefs, we value our heritage and are committed to our mission for the future.
The St. Ann staff is committed to providing academic excellence and pathways to Christ in a safe and welcoming school environment. Our award winning teachers and supporting cast of professionals and volunteers strive for positive experiences in the classroom and throughout our campus. Our school’s parents and parishioners contribute their time and talents to keep our school community flourishing. Our students show their love for Christ and others by looking after one another, treating their peers with respect, doing their best every day, and caring for the environment. We are a community working together, valuing children and teaching values.
Feel free to stop by anytime for a visit and personalized tour.
St. Ann Catholic School is a diverse Christian community devoted to providing a comprehensive curriculum and a learning environment that encourages children to reach their full potential and promotes the mission of the Catholic Church in a loving family atmosphere.
St. Ann is a Catholic school striving to help students know, understand, and live the gospel message of the Catholic Church. Each person is viewed as a unique individual, created in God’s image, with special gifts to be nurtured and developed. St. Ann aims to achieve excellence in academics and to create an environment in which all students are challenged to actualize their potential in a loving community.
We offer small class sizes, foreign language instruction for all students K-8th, Title I and resource classroom support, an award winning school staff, along with a science lab, a computer lab, and Makerspace.
Dynamic Community
St. Ann students participate in more than 20 different extracurricular activities including CYC Athletics, Robotics, Math League, Stream Team, School Newspaper, Bellarmine Speech Team, Drama Club, Choral and Instrumental Music, Student Council, and more! Our campus includes a community garden and orchard.
Daily prayer, weekly Mass, monthly Adoration & Benediction, and regular service projects help the faculty and diverse student body grow closer to God and closer to one another.

7532 Natural Bridge Road
Normandy, MO 63121
United States