May the peace of Christ be with you. Thank you for your interest in Catholic dducation and St. Catherine Labouré.
Since 1955, SCL has been educating children from Kindergarten through Eighth Grade within a rigorous curriculum that fosters virtue and prepares our children for a lifetime of learning. Our students are provided opportunities to immerse themselves in the arts and sciences while developing interpersonal skills that promote the dignity of the human person. Our core identity can be found in the person of Jesus Christ and we aim to teach our students and lead them in the participation of God’s Salvation History.
We, the faculty and staff of SCL, are privileged to be in the service of our Lord Jesus Christ and the community of St. Catherine Labouré Catholic Church. Our purpose as educators is to help parents form the hearts and minds of our children to the True, the Beautiful, and the Good. It is our belief, and the belief of the Church, that such a pursuit will lead us to God through his Son, Jesus Christ.
Please give us a call and stop by for a visit. Our children are always happy to greet you.
St. Catherine Labouré School is dedicated to educating the whole child in a nurturing environment. Our Catholic school community recognizes God’s presence in our lives and responds to our Baptismal Call through Eucharistic worship, prayer, and service, helping students develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our strong tradition of academic excellence acknowledges the individual strengths, gifts, and needs of all children and strives to create lifelong learners.
The goal of Catholic education is the formation of the human purpose for and toward God. Our Catholic faith permeates each school day as our students learn and develop virtuous habits through prayer, weekly participation in the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, service to one another, and academic study of Catholic teaching. Each day and we work to help our students find God throughout all of their academic and co-curricular pursuits.
The formation of the human person requires the pursuit of and the creative application of knowledge. SCL offers a comprehensive academic program with emphasis on both the Liberal Arts and the Sciences, along with the integration of Social Studies, Spanish, the Arts, Physical Education, and Information Technology. We seek to meet the needs of our most gifted learners and those who need additional support.
Dynamic Community
We offer a number of co-curricular opportunities for our students that include Christian service opportunities, academic challenges through Brain Games, the Academic Challenge Team, Middle School Elective program, and our Robotics program. Students also have the opportunity to serve as Student Council Representatives, Student Ambassadors, various ministers of the Mass, and to participate in our annual Christmas Program and on our Girls on the Run team.

9750 Sappington Road
St. Louis, MO 63128
United States